Friday, February 7, 2014

Bob Costas' Eye Got Straight Up Sochi'd

So last night they showed some of the Figure skating from the Olympics. First things first, "Ed Lee you loser what were you doing watching figure skating?" Hey guess what guys, its the Olympics. It's not about figure skating guys in tights, Its about the figure skater dude in tights representing America. Now that I hushed all you haters out there, lets get back on topic.
(Source USATODAY)- “Bear with me for a moment as I spare my friends in the press office countless inquiries. I have no choice to go all Peabody and Sherman on you for the next couple of nights since I woke up this morning with my left eye swollen shut and just about as red as the old Soviet flag. According to the NBC doctors here, it’s some kind of minor infection which should resolve itself by the weekend. If only all my issues would resolve themselves that quickly, but that’s another story.”

Sochi, such a mad house over there apparently. First off, Costas thinking no one would notice his eyes by putting on glasses that he never wore before is such a bold move you gotta respect it. Its like an "I just got a bad haircut so I'm gonna cover up this disaster with a hat" move x10. Second point, Bob Costas looks great in those glasses. Don't understand what it is about some people with glasses. Ups there sophistication level. Its like the Jake Jarmel look from Seinfeld. Everyone wants to look like Costas now probably.  Stick with the look Bobby, you look awesome.

P.s.- Weird Haircut City, population this Russian figure skating bro. 
Double P.s- Live Look at the Sochi Bathroom Situation. (Kidding but potentially not cause all that I've been hearing about Sochi is the disastrous bathroom situation)
Photo from @StoolMilmore on twitter.

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